
Would rather be a fool

Once upon a time there was a Jackson called "no phase master". No photograph to disciple advice when the master, often with their said: "the practice is to prefer to be a fool, want to have the spirit of a fool just may enlightened, it will be possible to enlightenment." Because often speak, all the disciples had to remember: "teacher often said better to be stupid."

Suddenly the heavy rain, the temple leak rain leaks zhejiang miles hua, master call out to disciple quickly come to pick up the rain, but many disciple is not only two, hear the teacher call, quickly took the bucket to meet the rain.

A disciple took a small bucket rush out. No photograph at the master said: "the rain was so severe, missed several places, just take a such a small bucket, it is a fool." The disciple is not very happy and I thought: "in a hurry by rain ran out, the result teacher even called me a fool."

The second disciple because too nervous, take a bamboo basket flushed out, to pick up when the rain was shocked. No phase master in the mind to think: "how foolish this way? How so silly apprentice?" Very not happy hurled insults at him and said: "you is really a big fool!" The disciple, listen and very happy, I thought: "the teacher has been encouraging we will be a fool, now actually said that I was a fool, this must be praise I great." So the heart, heart and the open means, get the solution to enlightenment. The disciple actually open up?

Can probably from two perspective: first, breaking heart respectively. When we heard criticism our language, we can get angry, not happy, we also can't angry, would rather be a fool, very happy, just like we see a bowl, can want to: "the bowl is very beautiful, but it is a hole in." But also can in turn thought: "the bowl is a hole in the though, but still very beautiful."

In the second place, from the state of enlightenment terms, fool may be easier to get enlightenment, a fool and not true silly, but in the life the inside have no all keep in a pure state.

We don't have so much about life, because this dispute and respectively, as it happens is that prevent us from enlightenment, or know life is something of value, if we can learn a naked, better to be stupid, so we will rise simple heart.

As we practice, spend time every day there is doing, pronouncing words? All day in meditation, there is going to do? Others seem has no value, if you meditate a hour, give you one hundred yuan, you will feel very valuable, but can't use this way to measure, because the world many things are priceless!

We see the street the mentally disabled or intelligence more bad of the people, they are very simple, very pure. We usually have no so pure, because we are the wise, the wise man is more intent on "have" person, to do a thing, must have the effect, if three days no effect change one thing. Are usually more practical, more real, more will calculate, more will camp stratagem, such people call "smart people". So the wise life is stuffed full, he did not mind space, he every day in the count, do it can earn much money tomorrow, add up to make a lot of money, he will never do lose money business.

But the practice to invert it do, to keep the internal space of the practice in the world, all the time, our confusion inside of good, clear on appearance would rather be a fool.

