
Feminine bottom of the heart is the stream of blood

Deep in the long dream

Messy thoughts

Messy picture

interweave  lomjj dtiblog blog



To think of

But has found to forget how to forget

Forget to think of

Forget to remember

Forget to go to forget

Shall not be obliged to look back

Can always in casual capture

Capture a feeling

A sense of deja vu in the

Just like the ancient, key

Accidentally opened the gate cobwebs

But don't know which the diffuse taste

Is happiness

Is warm

Also or sad

Late June

Dreams a

Dreams eroded

The one with the faces of familiar

That a variety of known as the warm

Between suddenly

The departing the dream in the other side of the sea

Unable to cry too

Feel sad

The woman is his wife, is the mother, or, or party housewife type, but is a woman forever, this is the fact that can't change.

The woman is strong, is weak, but will forever and tears, that has been wedded feminine bottom of the heart is the stream of blood.

Woman's heart is water, pure static harmless; The body is mud, giving the wind and rain; The woman's face is the man's heart, because its and change. neuers blogspot blog

The woman's life depends on the? A woman's happiness comes from? The life of the woman what it really is.

The woman is? What makes women change?
Sitting in the library to the third floor

