
Own Chen cheap he is deliberately

Chen continued: "embarrassed little teacher to touch the wrong you hand in where? How do I touch not find? Alas across the quilt touched your hands is really difficult felt around unexpectedly touch wrong." Chen and swings in the way little *?????? The soft touch before a few put such a good chance not touch white not touch and feel and touch not white.

A little way which don't know is deliberately accounts for his own Chen cheap he is deliberately said touch your hand but in his own?????? Former felt around and still intentionally knead several. Although the weather slowly turned hot or cold but she wears sweaters in it but she still can feel his hands as if to the heat of the touch his own heart.

"The teacher you which is to want to touch my hand? You just to account for my cheap." A little way JiaoChen gave at Chen.
Now the beauty group and several companies are linked to the hotel so we sometimes, people are looking at the group's trend didn't think of the problem now. "Commerce secretary said.

"As if the beauty of Chen group is doing so he is what mean?" The vice YanQiChang grafted in words the Lord high seats. "In addition, according to the news of the dragon group bug, Chen would like to Europe there is he is to want to transfer money to get the country to visit a foreign country? That's the principles."

KongHaoQi smiled "it is his own money he Chen to enterprise to foreign country move we also have no way. And he also just in foreign investment and not all just in the industry moved all the kingdom Z. This kind of thing has its advantages and disadvantages of the possible that he could introduce other foreign management and technology which we hope very much."

"The prime minister said the holes of we can't because of this and Chen have other views if his business not only in the domestic out of the world also does not have a large exhibition space." HanBin nodded said.

"But now has a lot of Chen have assets according to our conservative statistics he at least to three hundred billion or more." Commerce secretary said. Chen now have already been regarded as the rich countries Z is the official in the world ranking also in the top 10 of them can not "the care ministry of commerce Chen"? In last year's sniper economy in beauty of the biggest winners group is not only swallowed up obstructing the group also acquired c save some enterprise.

And the peace hotel, preserve, brilliant shone human computer and day is beauty who investment group for now can say beauty group move may be affected many businessmen investment to the tendency of home buyers. As long as what bad behavior, Chen Z economies will be going backwards.

"Yeah, Chen this man not reliable?" reliable YanQiChang puts forward his own question. "He has so much money and still the head coach of the national tiger hall hall of tiger don't say those players is his own peace and security company has many superior someone rich if he really revolt up but we national a big harm." Here, not only YanQiChang worry and other ministers, is showing the face of looking sad. They know that these people are also Chen of the terrible and when they know, Chen also has so many assets now and the business move to foreign to heart is upset.

LongDing vice chairman of military commission LouZeDong said: "a surname vice President Chen is your soldiers you about what kind of man is he?" Although LongDing believe the but now there is a Chen against voice he also can't a person will pretend. Stability in the country and the President also he who cannot hold a day.

