
Cow wheel

I to a teahouse to drink tea, see the teahouse were hung on the wall DouLi hemp fiber, cattle, many TaoWeng wheels, such as the old things. lomjj dtiblog blog 

These things that I have a warm attentively, thought of my father, my grandfather that two generations to our life souvenirs, also is our ancestors simple and natural evidence of life.

But I immediately feel a kind of sad and think about the future we will leave the next generation of what souvenirs? Plastic bags, styrofoam, the bottles, electronic board or disk of the? We should leave it to the next generation of evidence is? The air pollution, destruction of mountain forest, or death of the ocean?

The hang on the wall in the skill of cattle wheels, DouLi, hemp fiber, TaoWeng, etc., are our ancestors took on natural and use later returned to nature, no damage, also won't pollution.
We now have the people you produce, how many can return to natural and not destroy the land and sea?

Make these things and use these things, if can really love the next generation, should will create more good things, to a memorial to the children! neuers blogspot blog 

Look at the wheel of the teahouses cattle, I feel a little confused: our age is in progress or in worse? Is in into the lead a better life or just in the chaos blindly scroll?

