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Chen angrily stood up and cried out: "long you instructions to us how to do! We never frowned must have brought back to hook island." Chen XuBai word from hear the central want to hook the island laid hands on this is a good thing. Z countries have always stand for a peaceful settlement of the problems, but there are some things is a peaceful solution. With a long terms as a peaceful solution but not renounce violence.

"Well, you don't fly off the handle like an angry with the same. You sit down and listen to me about it." XuBai Chen to sway to begin. "Since the day the wooden shrine wood countries by terrorist attacks, right-wing of the kingdom of wood is a little like a headless fly of disorderly bump they now things are hook island
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Often too much. But that is a good thing because be so that we can better deal with them. No wood shrine of the right-wing leaders like a useless soft worm just how we play.

The opportunity to a long that we must think of a way to use the means of folk the hook island to win by then we troops stationed there again. Ha ha as long as we have reason to capture the hook island, to the army of kingdom wood may come over. Even if they come also dare not to open fire and the island is all we the people we they want to regret is not possible "XuBai YinXiao.

Chen came over the first is that with some people took the hook island to account for it with other countries when Z reason to capture hook island. "But m American will have good; accept any ransom?" Chen said worry. In the Pacific in the Z countries based carriers of everybody knows that.

"They will not give up but we reasoned pirates in China was killed on the island of all fishermen still kill wood * * and oil companies, the working personnel of the wood th * * to people who don't have the ability to protect hook island that is for us to protect. Just the problem of the kingdom of m the aircraft carrier is won't come over and we not with wood, war just catch pirates countries it. If they can open to come over

That we in the international denounce them. "XuBai satisfiedly said.

XuBai said is true even if let m countries aircraft carrier open to hook island again have what use? Most is watching for a moment and went back on wood * * team coming or may meet the pirates. Of course, these pirates is what people play that is by the arrangement of the country.

"That is what the pirate by plays?" Chen asked. Not is play by yourself?
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XuBai wrinkle up eyebrows "this is a difficult problem of higher meaning is to want to let some argue because this time we play the cloth is our country a level to the album they are China's terrorists we will their picture cloth at sea. They DuoCi robbery in China killed fishermen.

