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Chen angrily stood up and cried out: "long you instructions to us how to do! We never frowned must have brought back to hook island." Chen XuBai word from hear the central want to hook the island laid hands on this is a good thing. Z countries have always stand for a peaceful settlement of the problems, but there are some things is a peaceful solution. With a long terms as a peaceful solution but not renounce violence.

"Well, you don't fly off the handle like an angry with the same. You sit down and listen to me about it." XuBai Chen to sway to begin. "Since the day the wooden shrine wood countries by terrorist attacks, right-wing of the kingdom of wood is a little like a headless fly of disorderly bump they now things are hook island
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Often too much. But that is a good thing because be so that we can better deal with them. No wood shrine of the right-wing leaders like a useless soft worm just how we play.

The opportunity to a long that we must think of a way to use the means of folk the hook island to win by then we troops stationed there again. Ha ha as long as we have reason to capture the hook island, to the army of kingdom wood may come over. Even if they come also dare not to open fire and the island is all we the people we they want to regret is not possible "XuBai YinXiao.

Chen came over the first is that with some people took the hook island to account for it with other countries when Z reason to capture hook island. "But m American will have good; accept any ransom?" Chen said worry. In the Pacific in the Z countries based carriers of everybody knows that.

"They will not give up but we reasoned pirates in China was killed on the island of all fishermen still kill wood * * and oil companies, the working personnel of the wood th * * to people who don't have the ability to protect hook island that is for us to protect. Just the problem of the kingdom of m the aircraft carrier is won't come over and we not with wood, war just catch pirates countries it. If they can open to come over

That we in the international denounce them. "XuBai satisfiedly said.

XuBai said is true even if let m countries aircraft carrier open to hook island again have what use? Most is watching for a moment and went back on wood * * team coming or may meet the pirates. Of course, these pirates is what people play that is by the arrangement of the country.

"That is what the pirate by plays?" Chen asked. Not is play by yourself?
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XuBai wrinkle up eyebrows "this is a difficult problem of higher meaning is to want to let some argue because this time we play the cloth is our country a level to the album they are China's terrorists we will their picture cloth at sea. They DuoCi robbery in China killed fishermen.

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The tiger XuBai office headquarters hall, Chen see XuBai are cigarettes he that a little tight eyebrow puzzling over the appearance of it may not a trivial matter.

"You come to the morning come and sit down!" XuBai pointed to the opposite of the chair, Chen said.

"Two's brothers you what you say I'm listening. Directly" Seriously, Chen said. Anyway, he XuBai with the relationship between generally no need not with others beat about the bush.
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XuBai a beat put out their cigarettes. "To morning today call you have is a very secret task. Hook island you heard of it?"

"Hook island?" Chen momentarily. General Z people in the know it is located in the east China sea island of hook the eastern edge of the continental shelf it weeks

Around the sea area of about 17 square kilometers. 1972 m kingdom will ryukyu sovereignty over wood, together with countries will hook column of the administrative jurisdiction over the island to wood th kingdom.

But hook island since ancient times is the sacred territory Z Z countries is an inalienable part of countries. So Z wood countries have been competing in the sovereignty of the hook island because of Z countries friendly relationship with Z wood and wood, countries have the questions until later can't solve unilateral actions avoid this problem interference with the relations between the two countries.

But contains a large number of hook island oil and gas wood, immediately countries unilateral action by several first oil company to exploration and then will patrol ship without the island to the original marked these islands belong to Z countries destroy changed into the marked the mark of these islands belong to wood, a county borders of countries and to hook the eight islands archipelago island by the name of the kingdom, wood.

For the kingdom of wood, ways since the 197 o s Chinese organization folk association had DuoCi declare sovereignty on the fish sport ". The two countries are also should be this on this thing about but talk about what not results. Wood, the right wing of the kingdom of congress offered to Z countries, to admit that wood kingdom hook island archipelago has also sent patrol aircraft and sovereignty to hook island sea islands of homework monitoring fishermen. and

Patrol ship will with staff and equipment to hook island in there and built a helicopter to send a fact-finding mission there are built and tried to make the lighthouse lighthouse column to chart so that the international community admit that hook island is wood, the territory of the kingdom. (this plot fictitious if have similar by coincidence.)segjj yaplog blog

"Wood, more and more countries, they were stationed there rowdy troops if we don't stand up and reaction over the hook island will be they take up." XuBai said angrily. "They put up on the island, and honor the dead wood flag with words of MuPai."


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Chen continued: "embarrassed little teacher to touch the wrong you hand in where? How do I touch not find? Alas across the quilt touched your hands is really difficult felt around unexpectedly touch wrong." Chen and swings in the way little *?????? The soft touch before a few put such a good chance not touch white not touch and feel and touch not white.

A little way which don't know is deliberately accounts for his own Chen cheap he is deliberately said touch your hand but in his own?????? Former felt around and still intentionally knead several. Although the weather slowly turned hot or cold but she wears sweaters in it but she still can feel his hands as if to the heat of the touch his own heart.

"The teacher you which is to want to touch my hand? You just to account for my cheap." A little way JiaoChen gave at Chen.
Now the beauty group and several companies are linked to the hotel so we sometimes, people are looking at the group's trend didn't think of the problem now. "Commerce secretary said.

"As if the beauty of Chen group is doing so he is what mean?" The vice YanQiChang grafted in words the Lord high seats. "In addition, according to the news of the dragon group bug, Chen would like to Europe there is he is to want to transfer money to get the country to visit a foreign country? That's the principles."

KongHaoQi smiled "it is his own money he Chen to enterprise to foreign country move we also have no way. And he also just in foreign investment and not all just in the industry moved all the kingdom Z. This kind of thing has its advantages and disadvantages of the possible that he could introduce other foreign management and technology which we hope very much."

"The prime minister said the holes of we can't because of this and Chen have other views if his business not only in the domestic out of the world also does not have a large exhibition space." HanBin nodded said.

"But now has a lot of Chen have assets according to our conservative statistics he at least to three hundred billion or more." Commerce secretary said. Chen now have already been regarded as the rich countries Z is the official in the world ranking also in the top 10 of them can not "the care ministry of commerce Chen"? In last year's sniper economy in beauty of the biggest winners group is not only swallowed up obstructing the group also acquired c save some enterprise.

And the peace hotel, preserve, brilliant shone human computer and day is beauty who investment group for now can say beauty group move may be affected many businessmen investment to the tendency of home buyers. As long as what bad behavior, Chen Z economies will be going backwards.

"Yeah, Chen this man not reliable?" reliable YanQiChang puts forward his own question. "He has so much money and still the head coach of the national tiger hall hall of tiger don't say those players is his own peace and security company has many superior someone rich if he really revolt up but we national a big harm." Here, not only YanQiChang worry and other ministers, is showing the face of looking sad. They know that these people are also Chen of the terrible and when they know, Chen also has so many assets now and the business move to foreign to heart is upset.

LongDing vice chairman of military commission LouZeDong said: "a surname vice President Chen is your soldiers you about what kind of man is he?" Although LongDing believe the but now there is a Chen against voice he also can't a person will pretend. Stability in the country and the President also he who cannot hold a day.


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Yes ah-day Ming Gege he will dodge you is not afraid of it is, then it to him for mercy so I can play with him after my dad asked if I say that you agree with me playing with the Chiang Tung." Bell Ying said proudly. Jiang East martial arts can be seen she was asked Zhong Ying Zhong Xiangliang has revealed he would not be out of martial arts so she can not see who fights with powerful Chiang Tung. So she just let CHEN Tian-ming and Chiang Tung shot. This article belongs to original author users upload cloth

So highly of themselves to listen to Chiang Chung Ying Tung nodded happily, "If you are afraid of the Ming Gege days if you say your afraid to go first and I own a clock Ying will play after school."louis vuitton outlet

"You called Chiang Tung is not it? I am a good teacher of the people I can not fight a bell Ying where to go This is something I have to discipline her much but I will tell her father." CHEN Tian-ming says. The little witch is really afraid of the world into chaos.

Chiang Tung said, "You're not afraid to play? Then you promised me and Zhong Ying dating."

"You want to get married?" CHEN Tian-ming called alarmed about what ah? The Chiang Tung said to myself, how do so brief that he should keep up with the shot clock Zhongxiang Liang Ying brothers said that, ah! But if the brothers heard the case estimated that Chiang Tung Tung Chiang Yu will cut the number of rings.

"For ah," Chiang Tung said.

"You played my first day of Jiang Dong Ming Gege to say it like a man I hate the boy." Zhong Ying, a look of disdain she estimates he will be able to say the anger stirred Chiang Tung Ming Gege to start the day.

"Chung Ying Do not look down on me I'll call you now see is you look bad or my bad days, Ming Gege." Jiang East CHEN Tian-ming finished shot. CHEN Tian-ming introduced him to beat his chest just to spend a little afraid of hurting the internal forces CHEN Tian-ming. But while such a Zhang Feng Jiang is also the big east.

CHEN Tian-ming did not want to play against but with the Chiang Tung Tung Chiang repeated three people to make themselves and also shot. He also wanted to try the skill Chiang Tung look at a third-year students how to how there is such a skill.

CHEN Tian-ming did not fight back he just kept the wrong step away from Chiang Tung attacks. Jiang East see themselves not hit CHEN Tian-ming also played hard to close the mouths him to spend the full breeze all around suddenly CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming slightly if not pay attention to the East will be hit Chiang.
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Fortunately, this is the campus of the aisle who generally do not have someone else see through this attack with Chiang Tung will be surprised from the breeze. CHEN Tian-ming or not fight back he found his own dodge every time from Chiang East side of the fist to his body, he would point to avoid ahead of Jiang Dong attacks.

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Chiang Tung Chung Ying CHEN Tian-ming looked behind whispered words could not help asking, "Chung Ying you talking about? You give me explain why you hit me?"

"Why you always bugging me to Chiang Tung I warn you if you follow me and I will harm. And my brother is here unless you win after my brother or you can not follow me I do not want Offer people who follow me. "Zhong Ying crooked smile.

"Win your brother?" Jiangdong Qi CHEN Tian-ming strange looking at before.

"For ah If you can win my brother that I let you follow me. Or else even if you are the boss of the school you can not follow me." Zhong Ying, a pair of nodded and said she did look like innocent girl people can not believe that people have proposed to fight her.lomjj dtiblog blog

CHEN Tian-ming frowned and said, "Xiaoying you up to you again so I got angry."

"Hey, brother of Chung Ying Ying Chung Do not criticize, OK?" Chiang Tung Chung Ying in front of a very obedient not look the same in the face of a vicious CHEN Tian-ming did not seem to see in the eyes CHEN Tian-ming.

"How do I can not blame? First I am a teacher I am entitled to possession of the second clock Ying." CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East this way was also angered.

"The teacher, so what? I'm not afraid teachers," said Jiang East disapprovingly. He wind was the wind to the rain the rain will not put CHEN Tian-ming that teachers see in the eyes. This article belongs to original author users upload cloth

CHEN Tian-ming said, "I do not care you afraid of me not care that you" finished CHEN Tian-ming went to the other side. Zhong Ying, he saw a smile secretly in the next minute he did not want to be acting as a proxy Ying. Martial arts such as Chiang Chung Ying Tung is simply not bully her.

"Jiang East do not want to hear the reasons you did not my brother standing next to you now!" Schadenfreude Ying Chung smiled. She understood this man was Chiang Tung son of a rich man before the semester transfer over from somewhere else relied on their own bodyguards to follow the money and some schools claiming to be the boss so some students bully hit him prone to concede defeat. So she believes that as long as their own so that the East will find CHEN Tian-ming Chiang trouble. This time there are good movies in the heart of a good mood and looked Ying Chung Unfortunately there are no benches or else they can sit down and watch.
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Listen CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East really angry and shouted so that "you have nothing to say." Jiang East stature saw a change in front of him blocking flew CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming path.

"He will dodge dodge?" Looked strangely CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East before a student is only three days of this matter reveals a strange dodge.

Two eskimos fate

Have a Greenland eskimos, DuoNian employed by a the United States before the arctic expedition. After the exploration of the expedition, in order to thank the loyal service, he was taken to the New York area for a brief visit. New York city facing a spectacular view of the voice and all kinds of caused by miracle, he filled with infinite surprised and gasp in admiration. Come back to my hometown after the fishing village to village people, he described towering building, in the street fast moving house (i.e. the car running in the streets, people are living in it, as it moves. And he said to the great bridge, colorful lights, and its her breathtaking scenery.

The villagers cold look at him, then an away. From then on, the whole village as he took a nickname-liar, he has been carrying this disgrace nicknames, to the tomb so far. Before his death, it is real name already was completely village people forgotten, and you only know that said he was a liar.

Later, the famous explorer from Greenland to Alaska rasmussen to adventure, he brought a named meters of Greenland eskimos counterparts). Meters respectively) visited GeBen Hagen and New York, see the first met in his life of many amazing sights, and left a deep impression. Later he returned to Greenland, this would like to tell you what they see and hear, but think of the "panic," said the tragedy, he decided to learn smart don't tell the truth. He now saying many make person in the village can accept story, therefore, he not only saved his reputation, but also by many people travelling hasn't released the envy.

He told everyone he and dr rasmussen, how will the ship was docked at the shore of the neighboring sunhe hades, how are they in the morning every day the boat went out hunting. The river is full of wild duck the son, and seals, etc, they had a good time.
In the local mind, meters) is very honest man, his neighbors have great respect for him.
The truth of the journey is always rugged. Socrates was forced to drink poison, Jesus Christ was crucified, Bruno be burned alive... People are always in the history of this the sad way to follow.
Ignorance hinder progress. Some of the human nature makes we hate the new idea, the stodgy brought shock. The eskimos by their excuse; They can't imagine "liar" as described in the astonishing sight. In modern society to the people, we have no reason to seal their thought, not to accept new ideas.

Thought only continually seeks to new ideas, and it won't atrophy, dull, intolerance and closed.

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Two students, college class. Because family is poor, all to support yourself reading parents with gratitude. A think, should study well, striving for a make-do studio; A think, should work to make money, and strive to reduce the burden of the parents.

The first student, every day early in the morning the first came into the classroom, and every night the last to leave. He notes is the most comprehensive class the most engineered a. The teacher is very like him, let him do study committee. louis vuitton leather purses 

On Sunday, he never like other students do go out for an outing, shopping, he think that I'm sorry the conscience. In order to learn more things into society, and also to can find a good job, after school time, he selected psychology, logic, public relations and other professional subject outside of. A free, he went to the library information, make notes over. Because of his studious, made outstanding achievements, he almost won the school set for each of the honor. Whenever he put these write to tell parents, parents in the mind is also always rises infinite comfort and satisfaction, they have such a thoughtful children to proud, they think again no tired are worth it.

The second student very let parents worry that a few times they even want to break his studies, because they pinching pennies, for his school, he was not only a good performance test, one also hung up the red light. The more can spirit of be, military training, he ended up in a competition for parents to shame of-in the students' dormitory of couldn't purchase military training, and then to serve in small vendor. This time, although he has made two months living expenses, but let parents for a term not comfortable. They want to, again, is poor parents lack you this a few money? Holidays, the two old man well-meaning ground to say: "as long as you can concentrate on learning, get a good mark, we again no tired are willing."

The most let two old man can't stand is the second year in college, when he finished writing again after it, don't they money. Take the letter two old man's heart can break, the competition is so children not obedient, to break off and parents to protest the economic transactions, parents kept advice. Finally learned that a son because planning "the university entrance exam shirt" make money, in the mind just a little comfort for some. But they no longer send to him what hope, they want to learn bad, in the future, he can't find a job that is he to stew in his own juice. louis vuitton leather wallets 

University graduation that year many students are busy send a cover letter, participate in market competition, only his talent, because at the time he has indifferent is two the boss of the company. The most dramatic in his company, is the cover letter, but there are several sealing is his classmate, including the study of the best students.


Would rather be a fool

Once upon a time there was a Jackson called "no phase master". No photograph to disciple advice when the master, often with their said: "the practice is to prefer to be a fool, want to have the spirit of a fool just may enlightened, it will be possible to enlightenment." Because often speak, all the disciples had to remember: "teacher often said better to be stupid."

Suddenly the heavy rain, the temple leak rain leaks zhejiang miles hua, master call out to disciple quickly come to pick up the rain, but many disciple is not only two, hear the teacher call, quickly took the bucket to meet the rain.

A disciple took a small bucket rush out. No photograph at the master said: "the rain was so severe, missed several places, just take a such a small bucket, it is a fool." The disciple is not very happy and I thought: "in a hurry by rain ran out, the result teacher even called me a fool."

The second disciple because too nervous, take a bamboo basket flushed out, to pick up when the rain was shocked. No phase master in the mind to think: "how foolish this way? How so silly apprentice?" Very not happy hurled insults at him and said: "you is really a big fool!" The disciple, listen and very happy, I thought: "the teacher has been encouraging we will be a fool, now actually said that I was a fool, this must be praise I great." So the heart, heart and the open means, get the solution to enlightenment. The disciple actually open up?

Can probably from two perspective: first, breaking heart respectively. When we heard criticism our language, we can get angry, not happy, we also can't angry, would rather be a fool, very happy, just like we see a bowl, can want to: "the bowl is very beautiful, but it is a hole in." But also can in turn thought: "the bowl is a hole in the though, but still very beautiful."

In the second place, from the state of enlightenment terms, fool may be easier to get enlightenment, a fool and not true silly, but in the life the inside have no all keep in a pure state.

We don't have so much about life, because this dispute and respectively, as it happens is that prevent us from enlightenment, or know life is something of value, if we can learn a naked, better to be stupid, so we will rise simple heart.

As we practice, spend time every day there is doing, pronouncing words? All day in meditation, there is going to do? Others seem has no value, if you meditate a hour, give you one hundred yuan, you will feel very valuable, but can't use this way to measure, because the world many things are priceless!

We see the street the mentally disabled or intelligence more bad of the people, they are very simple, very pure. We usually have no so pure, because we are the wise, the wise man is more intent on "have" person, to do a thing, must have the effect, if three days no effect change one thing. Are usually more practical, more real, more will calculate, more will camp stratagem, such people call "smart people". So the wise life is stuffed full, he did not mind space, he every day in the count, do it can earn much money tomorrow, add up to make a lot of money, he will never do lose money business.

But the practice to invert it do, to keep the internal space of the practice in the world, all the time, our confusion inside of good, clear on appearance would rather be a fool.

Cow wheel

I to a teahouse to drink tea, see the teahouse were hung on the wall DouLi hemp fiber, cattle, many TaoWeng wheels, such as the old things. lomjj dtiblog blog 

These things that I have a warm attentively, thought of my father, my grandfather that two generations to our life souvenirs, also is our ancestors simple and natural evidence of life.

But I immediately feel a kind of sad and think about the future we will leave the next generation of what souvenirs? Plastic bags, styrofoam, the bottles, electronic board or disk of the? We should leave it to the next generation of evidence is? The air pollution, destruction of mountain forest, or death of the ocean?

The hang on the wall in the skill of cattle wheels, DouLi, hemp fiber, TaoWeng, etc., are our ancestors took on natural and use later returned to nature, no damage, also won't pollution.
We now have the people you produce, how many can return to natural and not destroy the land and sea?

Make these things and use these things, if can really love the next generation, should will create more good things, to a memorial to the children! neuers blogspot blog 

Look at the wheel of the teahouses cattle, I feel a little confused: our age is in progress or in worse? Is in into the lead a better life or just in the chaos blindly scroll?


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Performance management consultant Alan once served as the army training camp. Talk about the training, she said the following this story:louis vuitton outlet 

In the class of the officer, a colonel to encourage the use of skill quite to disagree. In the training course after about a week, the captain is responsible for an important presentation. Because he is doing very well, his boss-a general want to praise him. Find a general picture of yellow paper, and fold it into a beautiful card, outside write "great!" It is write some reward words. Then summoned him, face to face, and praised him that card to him. 

The cards in hand with colonel read again, after reading callous stood there for a moment, then leng head also don't lift out of the office.

The general is a little vague, thought: is my wonderful doing something wrong. In the heart of the uneasy with colonel general out. The result is that he's surprise captain to every office to turn around and parading the card.

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Last fall, the Yellow River during LiuShuWan walking, on one side of the there meet a little girl, little like the butterfly in the forest. Solemn, she is cooking even solemn. Not to disturb her, I close the stump in her sit down quietly. To dig a little pit as cooking stove and spread a row branches as furnace bottom, in furnace bottom placed on a as an array. lomjj dtiblog blog 

Financing for child lift eye found me. Not surprisingly, not surprised, don't panic, but serious friendly ground to ask me: what would you like to have? Because of the context, which was already very unusual changes a word pour to make me accidents, surprise, fear up. I seriously friendly answer: it really hungry, but what can you do? 10000 didn't think, children blurt out of unexpectedly is "pizza"!!!!! And then she wet mud for smuggling, picking the dough blade, and herbs for a little bit and sand, and when salt a little grains of sand, and make when pepper mutton, green vegetables, turnip of four or five varieties.

Carefully roasted, patience flip, until crisp yellow through, and focus on the lotus leaf green round pieces of top to my in front. For a moment she asked: delicious? I say: true delicious. She ask: you eat pizza? I say: have. Then ask: have you had a? She said: no, I haven't eaten the real pizza.  neuers blogspot blog

Once I listen to and moist eye immediately-the children don't know, I eat pizza is not only in Rome, and is the home of pizza in Naples ah. But, it is on my children took her hand from the hand made pizza in the world and what start, such as the beauty of the sacred and LiuShuWan similar and even the existence of similar? Children in kindergarten, called JiangYu reading classes. Home LiuShuWan in the margin. Always want to buy a piece of pizza as a reward, but has been not to buy: because it is unclean.


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"Young lady I also just gas gas didn't expect that he now, Chen doesn't go to stay to help deal with big field miss lang." Zhen son with a tear said.

"He thought I was going to be busy don't know that I'm going to deal with field. Now a big brown hear me to deal with large lang I now calculate laohutai mine field cast him go he also don't walk." LiuSheng LiangZi said, with a smile. She is to his feelings, Chen and happy.

"I can see how miss Chen to you sincerely like yesterday evening he stay in one field manor save if you not like you he is absolutely won't take the risk." Zhen son wanted to think said.

LiuSheng LiangZi nodded and said "yes or I will not forgive him before he to me like that. But I think he may as well have like I was on each other just like all of us don't know it."

Miss Chen zhen son said "this is very much fighting skill and high mind careful he can also think of this way to save you. Especially you be shut in the chamber if not he designed to save you we are no matter what also can't save out of you."

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"Zhen son you too, I think the things such as end to find you a person? You see TianJi how?" LiuSheng LiangZi deliberately said.

"This is a nice person TianJi though not but I don't like him." Zhen son shook his head said.

LiuSheng LiangZi said "that day? You and I Ming with him?"

Zhen son surprised "miss not why do you say that? I don't like Chen I just hate he just."

"Zhen son you don't lying I grew up together with you your heart is how to think I know we kiss as sisters and serve and to have what not good? You think about it if you don't like to morning want to find another person's words you tell me." LiuSheng LiangZi gently touched the zhen son's head. It seems that she not estimated like oneself is wrong zhen son like Chen. Such tough man ask which girl don't like him?

"I will miss out rest I has been have no a rest." Zhen son is red the face back out she is to be a LiangZi LiuSheng say let she surprised. Listen to the words of LiuSheng especially LiangZi she only in thinking about himself that it used to do what is miss for revenge or like another performance, Chen?

Night LinGuo hetian auspicious they all to a waiting for the meeting-house Chen family things to discuss deal with stress. The meeting-house although big but also just some of them LiuSheng Chen, LiangZi, TianJi and zhen son. They are sitting in a big long table next to the Lord a Chen sat.

"We now have LiuSheng family and the people don't DuoDa endure among 5 4 o people endure under 3 oo people not endure if I keep the zhen son a privately power we have not so much a superior." LiuSheng LiangZi worry said.

"That you know the family the transfer of the field how many people?" Chen asked.
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LiuSheng LiangZi said "according to our DuoFang bug back news field today with the family back at least to endure the three o people who endure oo under 5 oo people endure a lot more than we. Next is not very main endure the main is their big endure and endure more in us so much we this action is very trouble may be out-played." LiuSheng LiangZi light sigh that family has so many high stress if not they despise your enemy, Chen yesterday they could save her.

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Aunt nodded "Yes ah Xiaoning the longer you listen to your mom, your beautiful city in the m month as a manager of large companies have a lot of money?"

"I help people be it work," said Xiao Ning looked CHEN Tian-ming one.

Work on helping your husband. CHEN Tian-ming said in his heart secretly.

"You're getting this Offer have your daughter, your mother was relieved." Aunt said, laughing. "Yes, Xiao-Ning this is your boyfriend?" Aunt looked CHEN Tian-ming says. Now CHEN Tian-ming did not burst into her hand can be seen clearly.lomjj dtiblog blog

"Yes ah my boyfriend called CHEN Tian-ming," said Xiao Ning nodded.

"Hey, where I feel like I've seen you?" Said the aunt of CHEN Tian-ming.

Listen aunt say CHEN Tian-ming from the sand almost fell off the chair opposite it so badly that they will not give out recognition Xiao-ning's aunt? "Oh, no aunt I rarely m J County city." CHEN Tian-ming said hastily. In order to cover people deliberately do not pay attention CHEN Tian-ming said that he is m the city.

"You are not the J m City County teacher teacher?" Strange aunt said. Because she saw that familiar CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming to the hospital so special was said yourself the following question, but said he was a virgin there is such a thing? And has not beaten the doctor saw something that was so many years she did not meet strange. But listen CHEN Tian-ming said that the person is not a J County Xiaoning's aunt thought it was the wrong person.

"Yes ah yes ah I have rarely come to J County," nodded desperately CHEN Tian-ming Xiao-ning of the aunt he saw looked at his eyes as he felt his whole body like the name of chills. Amitabha aunt you do not recognize me ah! CHEN Tian-ming in his heart cried.

"Oh, so it seems I had the wrong person." Xiao-Ning's aunt said, embarrassed.

Xiao Ning said Jack quickly "aunt you to the hospital's favor? You have to pay attention to body ah!"

"I will take care of a doctor, we can not, then it is his body was joking." Aunt said.

Ning Ma time out from the kitchen for the Road, "Xiao Ning you give them your uncle call them over for dinner to help me serve your sister."

Not long before several people came outside to listen to the call is a small Xiao Ning Ning Ning uncle, a father and small come back from the restaurant on a small Ning Ma Ning ran in front of dad were talking quietly looked rather dad moment and CHEN Tian-ming.

CHEN Tian-ming Ning dad was a moment of heart "pop" beating dad if Ning Ning Ma together with the attacks in their own words how to do it yourself is to continue to be left to them to attack or to run away it took Xiao-Ning? CHEN Tian-ming of a headache.

"Good morning you call it?" Rather Dad laughed for CHEN Tian-ming.

"Yes ah hello uncle." CHEN Tian-ming busy to answer. His heart was still scarred jumping seems to meet the parents is not an easy thing.neuers blogspot blog

Ning dad said quietly, "You should get to later on Xiaoning do not bully her.

"Daddy, how do you say so," said Xiao Ning blushing.

"Well, you eat, then eat what you talk nonsense." Ning mom just walked next to her dad glared at Ning Ning seems to want to eat out of her dad.

Dad said to all of us rather quickly "to you and sit down quickly Xiao-Ning's mother today we ate a simple birthday potluck."

"For ah is to eat a simple meal Well, who told us there is no money? Or else we'll go eat a big hotel," deliberately looked CHEN Tian-ming Ning Ma said.

"Yes ah should go to the hotel to eat all I heard Xiao Ning said that intimate dinner at home, that there is no please go to the hotel for dinner." CHEN Tian-ming said, embarrassed.


i fule you

di yi ci ting xiao jing bo de jiang zuo shi jiu gan jue zhe ge ren wu hen bu jian dan cong hai wai gui lai you zhuo gang gang qi bu de shi ye bai ling de biao zhun zhuang ban sa zi ru de biao qing rao you xing qu de tan tu lv zhen qie you ge xing.
xiao jing bo de xiao rong hen you sha shang li wen nuan xing gan gan jing xiang wang guang ran de hui yi shui mo hua qi yu fei fan qia shi wo zui xi huan de na zhong ke wang lang man de nv hai zi kan yan liao shen bian nan hai de tian zhen zhi qi ji rong yi bei xiao jing bo shen shang de na zhong sa tuo cong rong suo you huo
jiang zuo jie shu de shi hou wo yi ji bu qing xiang ta qing jiao liao shi me wen ti dan wo shun bian yao qing ta yi tong chi fan mei xiang dao ta jing ran shuang kuai di ying yue liao ji ge yue hou ta yi lian ren zhen di gao su wo na ci zhi suo shuang kuai ying yue shi yin wei kan dao liao wo nian qing li ju shou tou zu mei mu zhi jian quan shi bu jing yi de feng qing wo bu da xiang xin na shi ta de qi er huan zai guo wai ta yi ge ren zheng ri li yao ying dui gang gang qi bu de shi ye dang ran huan you ji mo.
na ge xia ji wo men si chu wu se you te se de ming chi yi lai er wang jian jian di zou jin liao bi ci de xin li kan bu dao ta de shi hou gong zuo qi lai wo chang chang zou shen you shi hou wo gan cui ba gong zuo ting xia lai xin ma you rang xiao jing bo de yin rong tian tian di zhe mo wo.
zhi dao xiao jing bo xi huan hui se hui se bian cheng liao wo mai yi fu wei yi de xuan ze wo de shen shang zheng tian liu xie zhuo hui lv hui lan hong dou hui hui huang hui cheng hui zi hui zi lan hui lv lan zhe zhong you yi de ying he ta bi shui du ming bai.

In the mind to contain him

"Sat in the back of the car seat backs them up, to go see the temple fair, to eat sugar-coated berry, to buy new clothes." I tell kid sister vies to answer first.
"And in the back seat, mother gave special comfortable above I made a MianDian, afraid of my ass catch a cold." little sister seems to really start as a child of the.
Yes, if not the your eyes off teeth of car, you that time will still be happy? "Dad is a teacher, logical particularly strong.
"I don't think so, because our happiness is sitting on the saddle, yes," I began to ponder.
"Well, it was a cry, because of you, let you make a most happy thing is sitting in the back of a car" dad started contradicting we.
"The car is your parents" mom from the house, out by firing of said a word.
"Now condition is good, don't say a car, ten car can afford, but once the kindness of the afford it, once happy afford it, once the happiness afford it, had the love of buy up?"
"The car in my eyes and your dad is not only a car, and is DuoNian friend, very good friends, silly girl, the car won't hinder your eye, just because your in the mind to contain him. Like you always feel parents ask you a good school take an examination good university is crap, because you now rebel heart once we had. You always think to learn some technology good, not bad, is good, but the overall development and better." I and sister were more the look at each. 


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In the lonely years struggle, because we all understand that, once to let go, it is forever devour his dark, no end, without critical, it has no way home, because it is home.
All the dark moments, light and fuzzy line of sight, little by little, passing on lost time.
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Between imperial power lie, intrigue is most can hone man patience place.
Is also the most dampen the human nature of place.
I still pursue lonely freedom.
Buddha once said, the heart does not move, is all things still, heart constant, the more the things do not change.
Through all the blinding and loss busy dote on three thousand but a dream red candle of tears from all the everlasting king hope water high mountain fly ash in a swing between the QuLong dissipate in run out, only the lonely lonely passage of the world of mortals.
Able to live in such a time, is extremely fortunate, how sad.
A smile, chi chi people crazy, crazy madman who know who in the struggle, who's helpless.
Even if the world stood in the best position, still can't see the future of the fault, hazy cold now.
But life insipid peace conscience.

After the rain in nearby, long laugh.

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Candle into ruin. From the heart

The swaying is touching and shadow. 

Feminine bottom of the heart is the stream of blood

Deep in the long dream

Messy thoughts

Messy picture

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To think of

But has found to forget how to forget

Forget to think of

Forget to remember

Forget to go to forget

Shall not be obliged to look back

Can always in casual capture

Capture a feeling

A sense of deja vu in the

Just like the ancient, key

Accidentally opened the gate cobwebs

But don't know which the diffuse taste

Is happiness

Is warm

Also or sad

Late June

Dreams a

Dreams eroded

The one with the faces of familiar

That a variety of known as the warm

Between suddenly

The departing the dream in the other side of the sea

Unable to cry too

Feel sad

The woman is his wife, is the mother, or, or party housewife type, but is a woman forever, this is the fact that can't change.

The woman is strong, is weak, but will forever and tears, that has been wedded feminine bottom of the heart is the stream of blood.

Woman's heart is water, pure static harmless; The body is mud, giving the wind and rain; The woman's face is the man's heart, because its and change. neuers blogspot blog

The woman's life depends on the? A woman's happiness comes from? The life of the woman what it really is.

The woman is? What makes women change?
Sitting in the library to the third floor


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Every day, every day to see the enigmatic house, but a also haven't been to? And don't know what's in it?
Sometimes shameless thought, if be shallow also to live in that house all good. louis vuitton outlet 
The world beginning with large areas of heavy, and another world the first hint of light is just getting started. And be shallow heart stars in the night sky, will dye bright.
On the ceiling of the dirt as a landscape painting. Think of the moon down into diarrhea.
That year find small cloud and went to the evening together. The moonlight is disrupted, carefully broken broken branches of the willows fall, at small head. Facing the remainder of each other, they said, if there are fireflies.
Little body, leaking into the white light.

That is a very memory of spring, cherry blossoms in the night, so have so clear, like another world.

That year, the shallow left eye pupil myopia is more and more to the left aside.

She left the world any deviation from a point of view, a night filled with moonlight, and to look for another themselves, to see a quixotic world. louis vuitton handbags
Life is a dream, and years. See smoke, as well as the world as time in a hurry! Only understand, life won't waste. Only know how to walk, just knowing yourself every step of the way. As long as you work hard, the world will be for me to dance!

She squatted on the road for a long time

She felt injustice, but is still a passive expression on his face. My left eye to see the flowers and plants of the partial. The mountains of left eye see still fuzzy. World still ninety-seven degrees myopia of vacant.
Why can only fight still so clear voice. lomjj dtiblog blog
She squatted on the road for a long time, know mother calls her, she just go home with my mother. Mother and usual, and she said the same thing, as if nothing had happened. Actually, want to be shallow with so pretend to calm? To escape from this have what different?
Back when be shallow bought himself a bottle of coke, mom and dad mom still still again noisy. She was in the book write:
I want to look for another themselves.

The world can't escape and have nothing to escape.

Only in most deep place just could not see.

As we feel as atmospheric pressure. neuers blogspot blog

And then be shallow embrace Coca-Cola bottles, do sat on the playground. See a group of boys playing basketball. The setting sun begins to change to blue, there is a dense purple, the occasional bird flew over very low, very low. Under the remainder of a series of wine hic, tiny smile looking at the wall outside the house surrounded by trees from stars like is as small but very bright lights. 


Unconsciously reflect a person's inner world

-the new QianNv haunter responding "and the song LanRe temple"
God evil spirit dividing line, person's ghost extremely way, the end and full of sorrow. Memory is the heart of expectations, you make the seal past, through but the time melancholy. Once her in that a cheerful, red maple tree, and watch the sunset between the red sky, a wind members, only we, eloquent and between heaven and earth.

Who is low the tears, and floating in the heart of the who. Why do we? Worry it's hard to say. Forget is a miss, heavy and free and easy to how? You and me, across the bisexual person the line, scattered in the wind oath only love, only a dream.

We wake up, LanRe temple outside, is you sad face. The temple's, forget about the I, not intentional wonder you get older. Suddenly the line in the palm, who also can't break.

You see I made to commit sin; continue to kill See me in the dark mountains, the wind slowly waste their time; the corners of the silent, See me twenty in the light of the appearance. Dies

The dust has settled, the fruit. The broad middle kingdom, the god evil spirit two you and me, no right or wrong.

Night fog who humming to wake up the heart, who's in the memory, a break through. Motley LanRe, cane flower of laoqiangmen rekindled the candle in the wind, this lifetime pledge gently sing. Too late, the line of palm hide started to fall off.

You and me, every time the world of mortals, the time, the relative time, wordless silent.

Courage to face reality and face up to reality

Lightning dog is a star, but it didn't know, because the director always put the all the scenes are decorated the flaw, it is all of the things that is true. The dog owner have dangerous lightning, it should always protect her. It's very loyal, willing to take the risk of any to save his master.
Dr. It is super ability, given it back with lightning symbols. It runs fast, faster than a car. It's very powerful, claws can finished reinforced, it's head can hit over the eyes of the car, it can melt metal, it lion's roar can destroy buildings.
Upon its mission to protect it, the master. It has been thought that his master really dangerous, so be vigilant, afraid to emerge. So when is the same actors cat playing tricks on him, it believes that.......
It believes that it master was bad, and then they began to it captured the rescue master trip. On a journey it encountered many people, another cat "Mimi", hamster, pigeons, and animals, there have been a lot of fun.
The film's biggest bright spot is the transformation of lightning dog. It used to living in a fantasy world, and when reality a little come into it, original all is a dream.
It is actually too, reality a lot of people don't know their place, don't even understand what is what. When your own dreams burst of time, usually also is his destruction. Many times we all can't understand what we can do, and can do nothing. We sometimes more like is driven, at home, in the hope that parents driving school hope the teacher, in the hope to be driven friend drive. Every day we have fixed line, fixed ideas, fixed way of life. We don't know what he's doing, and they do not understand what I can do.
Dogs do not understand all the lightning, it's called super ability, is just a director to it of an illusion, it didn't really understand what you are. Until one day, it from that little room between come out and it really see this society. It in and "Mimi" contact, gradually understand his powers is not exist.
However little hamsters, and to give the appearance of it a little encouragement. Little hamsters is lightning fan of dogs, even in its understand all the truth, it is still willing to believe the lightning dog. Then the dog gradually regain lightning confidence, continue to look for it of the host.
Lightning dogs can do that, why can't we humans do so? I saw many people understand their position, especially in some cruel reality, always to be struck down. Sometimes they not only possess the "super ability" rejected, and also to all denied. Think that, xiang yu is the overlord, with little more than win overlord there have been many examples, fight almost always win, by the world to serve as "god of war", but face the Gai surround, but his veto, just think that at a draught is god's will to destroy him, fall on their swords in wujiang, was a pity; Want to that, the original is tile zhu geliang XiongZhu hillock, melankomas was famous for his good looks, was the most prestige farmers princes, after insurgents face he beat WangShiChong, because of a mistake, then faint head inspiring, to dust.


Natural person has their own personality

If you require all the leaves are the oval, then this world might not have the bamboo and the pine tree. Because of the bamboo leaves is to lanceolate, pine tree leaves thin needle, may also have no such as the maple tree, ginkgo, phoenix.
If you require all peony all the colors like "fire refining elixir as" red, then this world may be lost white "luminous white", blue jade ", "lam tin purple" red ", the first case of green "to green", and pink, "zhao powder", yellow "yao yellow", may also have no the design and color of the strange "two Joe" and "charming let three changes".
If you ask a Chinese elder sister-like all of the Chinese traditional li na women do speak softly, common front, so in the 2010 s the world may really will lose a has-been's tennis star, may also lost a personality superstar.
Roland garros ended, WTA chairman and COE stacy, gustav we E-mail interview: "li na get historic victory. Li na again at Roland garros, create the history, captured the world of the fans."
Li na is captured the world of the fans, in addition to her that let a two-game outside scores, but also because she is unique "superstar" character. We might as well for comparison, LiNaTong other Chinese athletes different place in where?
Said with a loud voice to love. Generally speaking, no matter a female athletes how successful, her love life is always a secret. And li na does not. Listen to the following passage: "people look at that fat man wearing yellow clothes, he is my husband, I love him. I will always follow him." "Another name is always my foundation." "I played not how, because my husband sawing logs last night, harm I wake times per hour." "Win have what use? I'll brush the credit card shopping." another name
However, the most impressive, or li na like on the field roar husband. Li na sometimes, losing lost behind QiZao upset, will blunt the audience shouted, "get out!" At this time, another name will be the darling ground to carry bag to leave the pitch. Amazingly, the husband, li na after he often can turn disadvantage, win a game.
Dare to change of coach. In China, the "human", all things speak "face" society, even if not satisfied with their coach, athletes will not face to face out. However, li na but not identical, when he had found not appropriate for him, she offered to substitute. Even if the coach is her husband, she would not be a person.

How many people left the imagination and reverie

She revealed shallow smiling, chi chi of pure, face, a shy young jun lang shame is good. MingMouHaoChi cong farce, every bits of bit of comely and charming, rooted in the green light to the formatting of performance, but if the sun shines bright and beautiful. For the first, but because the hazy love set to matting of phase. This is the aesthetic feeling of chaos, acme of his flaws, all is in each other the eager thirst hope.

The first sight of the life is so so, is a similar program-expectation in the warm hearted, act with dignity and binbib. All men and women are in the program is a gentleman and graceful and restrained lady.

If life is just on, that has a stain of defects dye will not be loved man underwear glimpse. If life is only on the dense, the nose smell smoke also won't be running to love the girl-never are charming soft nasal cavity, of the holiday. Always are clean, dry.

If life is only first, everyone is feeling saint, every man is a poet from the nature. In the perceptual, all is in a beautiful friendship and BaoZhan recited the poem. It is a beautiful picture scroll, the content of the brackets by two single vision is to constitute infatuation.

If life is only first, through the thin thin but difficult to cross the fine mist color, he can't see you, you also can't see clearly he. Maybe he is a mirror flowers; Also, you are a handful or on the water. The floating in the bright eyes aesthetic feeling, if vanity, the perfect bloomed in the infinite is an illusion. Everything is probably just lovesickness and phase and produce illusion.

If life is only first, he is liu3 xia4 hui4 and lead you are meng jiangnu. He for color and still, you because of the situation and faithful. Also or, you with "romeo and Juliet" in the plot, or liang shanbo and zhu yingtai in past. Such as tong pak fu and shen ninth girl the same love, love without regrets, is not resentful. Without a hint of flaws, not touch trace of mottled.

If life is, he is on a solid rock solid. If life is only first, she is a piece of transparent and pure crystal. He is the poison not leaching of diamond, she is completely clean white jade. Or is for love, or gravitational, he the most valuable, her most chastity. All the life, because at......

If life is just, everything is the perfect aussi. If life is only on flash, can see, all in the world that is beautiful and the romance of cheng fang flowers. If life is only first, people won't contain the valleys full in pain. If life is only on all the time, in a crack in the exposure, has won't in the dust's sight was created.

If life is only first, he is a white horse prince, she is lithe and graceful princess. Ugly also for beauty, evil for good also. If life is only on the point is, stay warm simplicity and sincere affection. If life is only, then, when the first sight of the all fluttery regret is tight in human world......


The eyes staring back

Back at the mercy of the heavy stack and board tight face, light up a few tone smile, hemp the benefit ground steps into the village. The village head man cough for half with her hello: "slice of the girl... don't come tomorrow, your father and come back... us he could find no home, don't come until he......"
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As usual she smile, in a hurry to the street to get to do their own....... Mother a person at home, a lot of live very busy, only out two hours, she has is the mind at rest. The mother's body to worse, the perennial drink the medicine has not the slightest relief, the head of the old Chinese medicine say is to want to improve slowly, have to head smoothly. She has been a desire, is one day with the mother to the hospital to check county big again, do what a B to exceed, pa, even if to spend more money, also want to stay with the county hospitals.

She also remember to send brother to the county junior high, pass by county hospital, country people have never seen a world, she just wanted to see inside. Brother is not happy, she also didn't go in, just see a younger brother's school, what a big house, wear good students. She then laugh good sweet, brother there will be a productive, we'll be able to big cities to find father.

The father walked with her a year that's no guarantee, come back with a pack of brightly colored sugar loaf of certain and a new dress, father touches or the little girl's her head, to help her mother good brother. Then she loudly of promise: "I must listen to mom word, also must look after his younger brother." She grew up as the children love to laugh, at that time I always laugh out loud, grandmother once said laughing children born in our house, but grandma will be paying move of time also is laughing.

Grandma is buried in from the entrance to the two at the mouth, and there was a road shuttle bus, head of the processes in the village came back out and people all want to hope the mouth of that bus. Grandma said less than before, my father came back after the death of the grave is buried in the mouth, so that also at the can look at father came back. Grandma has said to her father will come back of, this is the old man's house to his trust, but she always face every time and back to wipe the tears. Seven years, she has been waiting for his father's sugar and new clothes, she even don't want sugar and clothes, as long as the father, as long as the father could come back.

Mother kept the mouth in sight on five years, fell ill, she is the mother for. The yard is mother to eat some bran scattered farrow, the side of free time driving sheep, don't let the sheep eat poison. Mother has not looked her, like every time her mouth like coming back. Watch Probably not think father mother will come back?

"Film, leng what, quick took sheep go to put forage!" She flung back to god, like being the electricity a JiLing, took the mother of the whip hand driving sheep. Big sheep belly had the lamb, and could not drive too quickly, and much more prepared to forage, careful point, so the lamb can give birth to grow HuoTuo some. Mother from the three uncle (corn and radish, want to feed sheep, buy a good price on next year for a younger brother read school.
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Brother study cost really high, and the mother is often borrow the club by hezekiah. Once it is not, know the village to borrow LiuDaZhu home loans, mother will go to put. Then she know somebody else LiuDaZhu loans to others is three points of interest, and the mother is five points to loan interest to, say a lot of low gas words, the somebody else say or see with my father grew up together in the face only on loans to.

I work in a hospital Acupuncture

The blind man make massage, we do acupuncture. Because the reason is the blind, the society has many liar but would be here ZhaoCha so happened following story-signature

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YangGe (21) is our shop stocks (blind) of the employee is very simple and honest, very few words. Also don't meet with things do.

One day to a social bludger, see YangGe words to massage the silly. Will insist that YangGe stole his $3200, then make the public security bureau, public security bureau is ambiguous, want us to his elder brother.

The guys don't know which called from the evening to a women's reasons things out.......

A door that women riding and the shout: "ah, you LiLaoBan apprentice must be stolen my friend's money now, (1) is the so-called their foreheads ah, must have stolen it. (2) yesterday he won more than ten thousand? The big money can steal. (3) my friend all saw it must be! (4) I this morning in the cloud dragon hotel I please him to eat breakfast he had money, I know (5) my friend is a good man......" the boss was she so slashing a string of astronomy, can only there said: "no, I won't, and can not......"

The hateful women saw my boss word more conversation, a poor mess of said a lot of. I couldn't watch TV, ha ha I think you this hatred fu not to reasonable? Walk wrong place (I was the person do Internet helps experts).

"May I have your name, please?" I asked. "The name is ROM." "Oh, LuoXiaoJie you! Good ah, can appear a good friend ha!" The woman is nasty back to 1: "is not a friend is players know two months." "Oh, so, since such (1) you say of good right, is the so-called their foreheads ah, you are not a husband and wife, two not sisters, is not students, and, of course, it's not neighbors just two months, and the knowledge of the players. Tell you that, I know my teacher younger brother two years in their foreheads should I say the more right!!!" (2) "yesterday he won more than ten thousand? The big money can steal. Words can't say so, meaning that you can steal, outside of the thief can also!" (3) "your friends all saw it must be. Ha ha you friends, oh no, the players he is eight baidu myopia? Isn't it, that he saw a blind man stole anything from him, don't catch a site ah, weak-minded!" (4) you that not only mean still lie, players a mile, he even breakfast to female comrade please, so stingy. And then also said he please you this is a lie. Like the players to be careful! "(5) you players are good you know. It HuangShiRen weeks PaPi and says he is a good man!" "You are the son, set up shop, if one day I take one hundred piece of to your store, then I say lost one hundred thousand piece, your letter? The judge believed? You into the streets looking for a fool says go, ha ha! Is smiling face must not open a shop?......" the woman ran away and disappear.

We three floor to the network company, their three months since I taught electricity run.

This is not to electricity to power of the fog, is also said a heap. The boss word poor, I look at the situation down trend, obviously not close GuXiangRen help when hi under busy.

"Your name!" I the guy asked from the "oh, from your name and!" Well I think surnamed zhu ah surnamed zhu good ah, I will get you do pig scold "oh, and total ah, like you do not easy, for the country is the carrier and the busy busy! Like we meet the boss such fatty, don't pay the electricity bills are not dress up pretty (unreasonable)! You really enough hard work!!! You how many years!" "You really understand my youngest brother! I work is thirty years!"

"Hum, the country keeps you these pigs 30 years, wined and dined with you, you stupid gong really changing the, the electricity charge of pig accept no electricity, how wear is going to the blind man to help you!"

I don't have to tell you also know that behind of ah.
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I: liar can do, helps but don't cheat vulnerable groups, to cheat, I find.


Are not a good feeling in their hearts

Area, anhui province, small zhoucun. A series of words portfolio is not only a village administrative districts, and my childhood memories, and the distant surge of rice paddies nostalgia.
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Father walked in the weevils on, still holding the cow.

Mother carrying snakeskin pocket, pocket is followed by the rest of the fertilizer.

They are old, old is so calm, so lets a person feel sorry.

My eye socket drop of tear, that in the final no drop down.

Rice waves surging. Reminds me of five years ago, the father was intended to teach me and fertilizers, drive tractors, he always wants me to be a qualified farmers. When I have a day to love books, the escape from the countryside, my roots but didn't pierced the cement floor of the foreign.

The source, along the blood along the roots and leaves skeleton.

The land is still home to the end of my life is docked. I the last line of the poem is still about small zhoucun.

The moon, the river childhood is cool and refreshing, mother garden, the burning DouYe, green smoke... These, never gone. louis vuitton damier azur canvas totally mm n51262 lv bags

Life can not rehearse

Life is a river, the reason to say so, because it never returns. Life can not be rehearsal, more no drill. Each behavior, are officially performance. Because it can not be heavy, make us every action, have become so cautious. Cherish every opportunity, like seize every a torn. Believe me, a lot of things, maybe you today don't care, if once lost. You feel it, that's what you want in your life. louis vuitton cosmic blossom pm rose m93160 lv bags

Life is a cocktail, the reason to say so, because of here is your own suantiankula added. Life, originally light like a glass of water. We grew up in the process, we were a little bit to add this glass of water with condiments. Sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty. Slowly, become five everything. So, your life today, think what flavor is added to the inside you yesterday?

Life is a game, since you want to play, keep its rules (unless, you have the ability to change rules). Life rules many, at different places, among different game, different populations -- -- -- -- -- -. It has different rules, when are you going to play a game, the first to understand its rules. And then within the scope of the rules to exert your wit, won the game. If you don't have the ability to change the rules, and do not keep it, only a result, you will be kicked out.

Life is -- -- -- -- -- -

Too many of comprehension, and too many border. Friends, how much you perceive


Never had trouble like this year so

In July, superior supervisory department requires that each subordinate unit report a compressed situation during the first half, but also cost statistics, statements contained in just a few items required major expenses single statistics office, she asked what li, director, li, director looked at said, press the compressed digital reported it. coach madison op art maggie hobo 15757 grey
Wang wants to do, anyway, and, when the end of yet may be compressed down miles. Then, she added to add and subtract minus fill out statements has reported, fortunately when don't adjust accounts.
But now approaching the end of the year, how should do? She silently all costs and calculation again. As a result, only a handful of the project has not more than a year earlier, the average level or three-year expressly requirements of compressed as groom cost, entertainment, meetings, water and electricity, office of gas, upkeep expenses all over year-earlier period index level.
Wang in the heart thinking up:
Also, the unit open a door face will always have arrival; how much more work to do this unit number so well that is really a promotion, somebody else to study activitely total want to receive it, say the city in tourism hot spots, plus now rising prices, entertains cost how should also increase some ah.
Also, this year to attend training of personnel out, our unit organized more than the previous year's post skills training, in order to adapt to the supervisor called a station expert, only ChiZhuHang, and go out personnel, this system hundreds of monthly lease monthly exam, and produce the examination venue site the travel expenses, groom cost almost into geometric progression to rise. And at this year on several MBA graduate student, this is reimbursed expressly to. So, the increased cost of bad compression ah.
This year's meeting go slightly less than usual, meetings is down some, but how it also not groom cost plus travel back! The digital bats
As for the water, electricity, oil saving, unit would like to some way, but these measures of managing effect produced over but prices factors, or shall increase ah.
Besides, this year's office of training so much, almost everyone using printer to print, copy of reference material, everybody home studying business is a good thing, the unit demonstrate their support, but, increased so much expensive pieces of paper always spending? Print so much material damaged printers, photocopiers total want to repair it?
This year, the biggest headache several car to the overhaul of age, expected to back a subject with upkeep cost of back other growth plan also made soup.
Check it again relevant subjects, welfare funds have died, no adjustment of leeway provisions; Infrastructure subject is earmarking, simply cannot expect it to install what.
Can what way? Ever a single cost overruns some, other brother subjects help is solved, but this year different!
Wang want to go, to ask what li, director NaoNao head, li, director, said the need to ask the river for financial, deputy director of the to do.
Jiang deputy commissioner frowned said, it appears that this is a great event, want to ask a season director to do.
Season this year, the chief says the situation is very special, you to consider the way, see how to solve this matter.
Several people back to jiang, deputy director of the office.
Jiang deputy director of li's director said: this year's expenses compression index seems not achieve any more, you personally ask above the finance soup section chief, ask him how to cope.
Soup section chief in telephone that said: as long as superior don't find us, we will not find you, if superior find us, we will seek to you.

coach madison op art outline c hobo 16153 black Li, director, wang is just a phone down snappy said: "find your" behind should add "troublesome" two characters, so more specifically.
Wang sighed: this year's financial analysis report how to write? Well, it's not doing a careless besmear paste confused more relaxed, but bill into the compressed indexes task can't!