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Chen angrily stood up and cried out: "long you instructions to us how to do! We never frowned must have brought back to hook island." Chen XuBai word from hear the central want to hook the island laid hands on this is a good thing. Z countries have always stand for a peaceful settlement of the problems, but there are some things is a peaceful solution. With a long terms as a peaceful solution but not renounce violence.

"Well, you don't fly off the handle like an angry with the same. You sit down and listen to me about it." XuBai Chen to sway to begin. "Since the day the wooden shrine wood countries by terrorist attacks, right-wing of the kingdom of wood is a little like a headless fly of disorderly bump they now things are hook island
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Often too much. But that is a good thing because be so that we can better deal with them. No wood shrine of the right-wing leaders like a useless soft worm just how we play.

The opportunity to a long that we must think of a way to use the means of folk the hook island to win by then we troops stationed there again. Ha ha as long as we have reason to capture the hook island, to the army of kingdom wood may come over. Even if they come also dare not to open fire and the island is all we the people we they want to regret is not possible "XuBai YinXiao.

Chen came over the first is that with some people took the hook island to account for it with other countries when Z reason to capture hook island. "But m American will have good; accept any ransom?" Chen said worry. In the Pacific in the Z countries based carriers of everybody knows that.

"They will not give up but we reasoned pirates in China was killed on the island of all fishermen still kill wood * * and oil companies, the working personnel of the wood th * * to people who don't have the ability to protect hook island that is for us to protect. Just the problem of the kingdom of m the aircraft carrier is won't come over and we not with wood, war just catch pirates countries it. If they can open to come over

That we in the international denounce them. "XuBai satisfiedly said.

XuBai said is true even if let m countries aircraft carrier open to hook island again have what use? Most is watching for a moment and went back on wood * * team coming or may meet the pirates. Of course, these pirates is what people play that is by the arrangement of the country.

"That is what the pirate by plays?" Chen asked. Not is play by yourself?
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XuBai wrinkle up eyebrows "this is a difficult problem of higher meaning is to want to let some argue because this time we play the cloth is our country a level to the album they are China's terrorists we will their picture cloth at sea. They DuoCi robbery in China killed fishermen.

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The tiger XuBai office headquarters hall, Chen see XuBai are cigarettes he that a little tight eyebrow puzzling over the appearance of it may not a trivial matter.

"You come to the morning come and sit down!" XuBai pointed to the opposite of the chair, Chen said.

"Two's brothers you what you say I'm listening. Directly" Seriously, Chen said. Anyway, he XuBai with the relationship between generally no need not with others beat about the bush.
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XuBai a beat put out their cigarettes. "To morning today call you have is a very secret task. Hook island you heard of it?"

"Hook island?" Chen momentarily. General Z people in the know it is located in the east China sea island of hook the eastern edge of the continental shelf it weeks

Around the sea area of about 17 square kilometers. 1972 m kingdom will ryukyu sovereignty over wood, together with countries will hook column of the administrative jurisdiction over the island to wood th kingdom.

But hook island since ancient times is the sacred territory Z Z countries is an inalienable part of countries. So Z wood countries have been competing in the sovereignty of the hook island because of Z countries friendly relationship with Z wood and wood, countries have the questions until later can't solve unilateral actions avoid this problem interference with the relations between the two countries.

But contains a large number of hook island oil and gas wood, immediately countries unilateral action by several first oil company to exploration and then will patrol ship without the island to the original marked these islands belong to Z countries destroy changed into the marked the mark of these islands belong to wood, a county borders of countries and to hook the eight islands archipelago island by the name of the kingdom, wood.

For the kingdom of wood, ways since the 197 o s Chinese organization folk association had DuoCi declare sovereignty on the fish sport ". The two countries are also should be this on this thing about but talk about what not results. Wood, the right wing of the kingdom of congress offered to Z countries, to admit that wood kingdom hook island archipelago has also sent patrol aircraft and sovereignty to hook island sea islands of homework monitoring fishermen. and

Patrol ship will with staff and equipment to hook island in there and built a helicopter to send a fact-finding mission there are built and tried to make the lighthouse lighthouse column to chart so that the international community admit that hook island is wood, the territory of the kingdom. (this plot fictitious if have similar by coincidence.)segjj yaplog blog

"Wood, more and more countries, they were stationed there rowdy troops if we don't stand up and reaction over the hook island will be they take up." XuBai said angrily. "They put up on the island, and honor the dead wood flag with words of MuPai."


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Chen continued: "embarrassed little teacher to touch the wrong you hand in where? How do I touch not find? Alas across the quilt touched your hands is really difficult felt around unexpectedly touch wrong." Chen and swings in the way little *?????? The soft touch before a few put such a good chance not touch white not touch and feel and touch not white.

A little way which don't know is deliberately accounts for his own Chen cheap he is deliberately said touch your hand but in his own?????? Former felt around and still intentionally knead several. Although the weather slowly turned hot or cold but she wears sweaters in it but she still can feel his hands as if to the heat of the touch his own heart.

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Now the beauty group and several companies are linked to the hotel so we sometimes, people are looking at the group's trend didn't think of the problem now. "Commerce secretary said.

"As if the beauty of Chen group is doing so he is what mean?" The vice YanQiChang grafted in words the Lord high seats. "In addition, according to the news of the dragon group bug, Chen would like to Europe there is he is to want to transfer money to get the country to visit a foreign country? That's the principles."

KongHaoQi smiled "it is his own money he Chen to enterprise to foreign country move we also have no way. And he also just in foreign investment and not all just in the industry moved all the kingdom Z. This kind of thing has its advantages and disadvantages of the possible that he could introduce other foreign management and technology which we hope very much."

"The prime minister said the holes of we can't because of this and Chen have other views if his business not only in the domestic out of the world also does not have a large exhibition space." HanBin nodded said.

"But now has a lot of Chen have assets according to our conservative statistics he at least to three hundred billion or more." Commerce secretary said. Chen now have already been regarded as the rich countries Z is the official in the world ranking also in the top 10 of them can not "the care ministry of commerce Chen"? In last year's sniper economy in beauty of the biggest winners group is not only swallowed up obstructing the group also acquired c save some enterprise.

And the peace hotel, preserve, brilliant shone human computer and day is beauty who investment group for now can say beauty group move may be affected many businessmen investment to the tendency of home buyers. As long as what bad behavior, Chen Z economies will be going backwards.

"Yeah, Chen this man not reliable?" reliable YanQiChang puts forward his own question. "He has so much money and still the head coach of the national tiger hall hall of tiger don't say those players is his own peace and security company has many superior someone rich if he really revolt up but we national a big harm." Here, not only YanQiChang worry and other ministers, is showing the face of looking sad. They know that these people are also Chen of the terrible and when they know, Chen also has so many assets now and the business move to foreign to heart is upset.

LongDing vice chairman of military commission LouZeDong said: "a surname vice President Chen is your soldiers you about what kind of man is he?" Although LongDing believe the but now there is a Chen against voice he also can't a person will pretend. Stability in the country and the President also he who cannot hold a day.


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Yes ah-day Ming Gege he will dodge you is not afraid of it is, then it to him for mercy so I can play with him after my dad asked if I say that you agree with me playing with the Chiang Tung." Bell Ying said proudly. Jiang East martial arts can be seen she was asked Zhong Ying Zhong Xiangliang has revealed he would not be out of martial arts so she can not see who fights with powerful Chiang Tung. So she just let CHEN Tian-ming and Chiang Tung shot. This article belongs to original author users upload cloth

So highly of themselves to listen to Chiang Chung Ying Tung nodded happily, "If you are afraid of the Ming Gege days if you say your afraid to go first and I own a clock Ying will play after school."louis vuitton outlet

"You called Chiang Tung is not it? I am a good teacher of the people I can not fight a bell Ying where to go This is something I have to discipline her much but I will tell her father." CHEN Tian-ming says. The little witch is really afraid of the world into chaos.

Chiang Tung said, "You're not afraid to play? Then you promised me and Zhong Ying dating."

"You want to get married?" CHEN Tian-ming called alarmed about what ah? The Chiang Tung said to myself, how do so brief that he should keep up with the shot clock Zhongxiang Liang Ying brothers said that, ah! But if the brothers heard the case estimated that Chiang Tung Tung Chiang Yu will cut the number of rings.

"For ah," Chiang Tung said.

"You played my first day of Jiang Dong Ming Gege to say it like a man I hate the boy." Zhong Ying, a look of disdain she estimates he will be able to say the anger stirred Chiang Tung Ming Gege to start the day.

"Chung Ying Do not look down on me I'll call you now see is you look bad or my bad days, Ming Gege." Jiang East CHEN Tian-ming finished shot. CHEN Tian-ming introduced him to beat his chest just to spend a little afraid of hurting the internal forces CHEN Tian-ming. But while such a Zhang Feng Jiang is also the big east.

CHEN Tian-ming did not want to play against but with the Chiang Tung Tung Chiang repeated three people to make themselves and also shot. He also wanted to try the skill Chiang Tung look at a third-year students how to how there is such a skill.

CHEN Tian-ming did not fight back he just kept the wrong step away from Chiang Tung attacks. Jiang East see themselves not hit CHEN Tian-ming also played hard to close the mouths him to spend the full breeze all around suddenly CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming slightly if not pay attention to the East will be hit Chiang.
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Fortunately, this is the campus of the aisle who generally do not have someone else see through this attack with Chiang Tung will be surprised from the breeze. CHEN Tian-ming or not fight back he found his own dodge every time from Chiang East side of the fist to his body, he would point to avoid ahead of Jiang Dong attacks.

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Chiang Tung Chung Ying CHEN Tian-ming looked behind whispered words could not help asking, "Chung Ying you talking about? You give me explain why you hit me?"

"Why you always bugging me to Chiang Tung I warn you if you follow me and I will harm. And my brother is here unless you win after my brother or you can not follow me I do not want Offer people who follow me. "Zhong Ying crooked smile.

"Win your brother?" Jiangdong Qi CHEN Tian-ming strange looking at before.

"For ah If you can win my brother that I let you follow me. Or else even if you are the boss of the school you can not follow me." Zhong Ying, a pair of nodded and said she did look like innocent girl people can not believe that people have proposed to fight her.lomjj dtiblog blog

CHEN Tian-ming frowned and said, "Xiaoying you up to you again so I got angry."

"Hey, brother of Chung Ying Ying Chung Do not criticize, OK?" Chiang Tung Chung Ying in front of a very obedient not look the same in the face of a vicious CHEN Tian-ming did not seem to see in the eyes CHEN Tian-ming.

"How do I can not blame? First I am a teacher I am entitled to possession of the second clock Ying." CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East this way was also angered.

"The teacher, so what? I'm not afraid teachers," said Jiang East disapprovingly. He wind was the wind to the rain the rain will not put CHEN Tian-ming that teachers see in the eyes. This article belongs to original author users upload cloth

CHEN Tian-ming said, "I do not care you afraid of me not care that you" finished CHEN Tian-ming went to the other side. Zhong Ying, he saw a smile secretly in the next minute he did not want to be acting as a proxy Ying. Martial arts such as Chiang Chung Ying Tung is simply not bully her.

"Jiang East do not want to hear the reasons you did not my brother standing next to you now!" Schadenfreude Ying Chung smiled. She understood this man was Chiang Tung son of a rich man before the semester transfer over from somewhere else relied on their own bodyguards to follow the money and some schools claiming to be the boss so some students bully hit him prone to concede defeat. So she believes that as long as their own so that the East will find CHEN Tian-ming Chiang trouble. This time there are good movies in the heart of a good mood and looked Ying Chung Unfortunately there are no benches or else they can sit down and watch.
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Listen CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East really angry and shouted so that "you have nothing to say." Jiang East stature saw a change in front of him blocking flew CHEN Tian-ming CHEN Tian-ming path.

"He will dodge dodge?" Looked strangely CHEN Tian-ming Jiang East before a student is only three days of this matter reveals a strange dodge.

Two eskimos fate

Have a Greenland eskimos, DuoNian employed by a the United States before the arctic expedition. After the exploration of the expedition, in order to thank the loyal service, he was taken to the New York area for a brief visit. New York city facing a spectacular view of the voice and all kinds of caused by miracle, he filled with infinite surprised and gasp in admiration. Come back to my hometown after the fishing village to village people, he described towering building, in the street fast moving house (i.e. the car running in the streets, people are living in it, as it moves. And he said to the great bridge, colorful lights, and its her breathtaking scenery.

The villagers cold look at him, then an away. From then on, the whole village as he took a nickname-liar, he has been carrying this disgrace nicknames, to the tomb so far. Before his death, it is real name already was completely village people forgotten, and you only know that said he was a liar.

Later, the famous explorer from Greenland to Alaska rasmussen to adventure, he brought a named meters of Greenland eskimos counterparts). Meters respectively) visited GeBen Hagen and New York, see the first met in his life of many amazing sights, and left a deep impression. Later he returned to Greenland, this would like to tell you what they see and hear, but think of the "panic," said the tragedy, he decided to learn smart don't tell the truth. He now saying many make person in the village can accept story, therefore, he not only saved his reputation, but also by many people travelling hasn't released the envy.

He told everyone he and dr rasmussen, how will the ship was docked at the shore of the neighboring sunhe hades, how are they in the morning every day the boat went out hunting. The river is full of wild duck the son, and seals, etc, they had a good time.
In the local mind, meters) is very honest man, his neighbors have great respect for him.
The truth of the journey is always rugged. Socrates was forced to drink poison, Jesus Christ was crucified, Bruno be burned alive... People are always in the history of this the sad way to follow.
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The second student very let parents worry that a few times they even want to break his studies, because they pinching pennies, for his school, he was not only a good performance test, one also hung up the red light. The more can spirit of be, military training, he ended up in a competition for parents to shame of-in the students' dormitory of couldn't purchase military training, and then to serve in small vendor. This time, although he has made two months living expenses, but let parents for a term not comfortable. They want to, again, is poor parents lack you this a few money? Holidays, the two old man well-meaning ground to say: "as long as you can concentrate on learning, get a good mark, we again no tired are willing."

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University graduation that year many students are busy send a cover letter, participate in market competition, only his talent, because at the time he has indifferent is two the boss of the company. The most dramatic in his company, is the cover letter, but there are several sealing is his classmate, including the study of the best students.